Confirmation of why I moved to Potomac to educate my children !
When I was in high school - taking an AP (Advanced Placement Exam) was reserved for those kids that took advanced classes and excelled in accelerated academic programs. Although I do not remember the exact numbers - I believe that less than 25 students sat for the AP tests my senior year - and approximately 70 percent received scores of 3 or higher.
I was stunned to read that 1060 students took one OR MORE advanced placement courses at Churchill. The amazing fact is over 90% of these students received scores of 3 or higher. This score potentially qualifies them for college credit. AMAZING!
It is not just upper grades that are taking these classes. Completing AP coursework for some students starts in Sophomore year. Many Sophomores will be taking as many as 3 AP exams this spring. A grade of 3 or higher on the exam may make get the student University credit while in high school.
There are some students leaving Churchill High School with the equivalent of 30 college credits. With the average cost of college rising each year - there is a significant potential savings for these kids as they may place out of a full year of university.
Yes, I am one of the parents that was drawn to Potomac because of the schools. It was worth paying a significant premium to move here in order to enroll my children in some of the best schools in the country. This data regarding the success of Churchill High School - and Montgomery County schools in general is just a confirmation that my family and all other families with children here made the right decision.
You can read the full article regarding the AP results in this article in the PotomacPatch. Click through for all the details.
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